
Dropset Athletes

Become a force for good in a vibrant community.

The Dropset Athletes program is all about inspiring good habits and telling stories around well being through movement. And, to make it easier for people to improve their own fitness routine. As a Dropset Athlete, we'll help you promote yourself to our members, to gain a wider audience while actively helping others.

Gain visibility and help others through the Athletes showcase.
Athlete showcase.
At the core of the Dropset Athlete program is the Athlete showcase. This is a very direct way for us to promote you to our members. People will browse on their own, looking for inspiration on new ways to work out and stories that resonate with their own. All atheletes get a prominent spot in the app with an empty canvas to promote themselves and their story.

We want to create a browsing experience that feels focused, is easy for people to copy-paste and carries a high credibility.
Direct communication.
Dropset is a place for live communication, for anyone wishing to engage in it. You can picture our in-app chat kind of like a live group messaging board - open for everyone in the community to ask questions and offer up help. A place to gain visibility, connect with like minded people and to help others.
A live group chat for giving advice and creating connections.
Help people find you online with links to your other social pages.
your social media.
Help people find you online through links to your other social media. Wether its on Instagram, X, Tik-Tok, Threads or Youtube. Dropset is not a siloed experience.
Built around the best
gym tracker for iPhone.
Dropset is the most modern take on gym tracking ever created. Released in 2023, we have already been featured by Apple as one the “New Apps We Love”.

And we’ve got big things planned for 2024 and beyond.
Running a Shoulders workout with the Dropset gym tracker.
Gain visibility and help others through the Athletes showcase.
Athlete showcase.
At the core of the Dropset Athlete program is the Athlete showcase. This is a very direct way for us to promote you to our members. People will browse on their own, looking for inspiration on new ways to work out and stories that resonate with their own. All atheletes get a prominent spot in the app with an empty canvas to promote themselves and their story.

We want to create a browsing experience that feels focused, is easy for people to copy-paste and carries a high credibility.
A live group chat for gaining visibilty, connect and help others.
Direct communication.
Dropset is a place for live communication, for anyone wishing to engage in it. You can picture our in-app chat kind of like a live group messaging board - open for everyone in the community to ask questions and offer up help. A place to gain visibility, connect with like minded people and to help others.
Help people find you online with links to your other social pages.
your social media.
Help people find you online through links to your other social media. Wether its on Instagram, X, Tik-Tok, Threads or Youtube. Dropset is not a siloed experience.
Running a Shoulders workout with the Dropset gym tracker.
Built around the best gym tracker for iPhone.
Dropset is the most modern take on gym tracking ever created. Released in 2023, we have already been featured by Apple as one the “New Apps We Love”.

And we’ve got big things planned for 2024 and beyond.

Launch in 2024

Apply to become a Dropset Athlete.

The Dropset Athlete features is being built as we speak, and we’re currently selecting the first batch of inspiring people to promote. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new emerging community for lifters.

Get in touch with us before April 30 to apply for a spot. Drop us a line at to apply.

We hope to talk to you soon 🙌